Forums - SSF2T still in tournaments? isnt it old skool? Show all 19 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- SSF2T still in tournaments? isnt it old skool? ( Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 09:22 PM: why is ssf2t still in tournaments? isnt it old school. like they played it during jap vs usa. does anyone know why? Posted by Overdrive on 02:21:2001 09:34 PM: It's rarely included in any tournament lineup. Maybe during a few major events, ST becomes one of the tournament games. But, at most, that's about 2-3 times a year. While it's a great game, it's not worth spending time getting good at it. Almost no arcades have it anymore, so the competition is scarce (even in places where there are mad old school players). And since there are only a few events per year that include the game as a tournament game, there's no reason to practice it. Even though ST is clearly one of the best SF games ever made, it's just not worth playing. Sure, it's kinda fun amongst friends who are old school players, but that's fruitless. The time spent playing ST could be spent playing MvC2 or CvS... or any game that's currently "hot." There are constantly tournaments (which means money to be won and competition to beat down) held for the hot games. It's much more rewarding. I suppose it's arguable that getting good at ST could land you a spot on Team USA for the next international competition. That would definitely make it worth playing. But you'd have to have constant competition as good as the USA's top ST players... which is scarce. Posted by Monkey on 02:21:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by ~Wind: why is ssf2t still in tournaments? isnt it old school. like they played it during jap vs usa. does anyone know why? Because it is a great game, people still like it alot, thats what I always thought, I may be wrong, but thats why I still play it.. Plus, just because it is old, doesnt mean that you cant play it.. -Monkey Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:22:2001 12:15 AM: ST is included(In my opinion)in major tournaments for 2 real reasons. 1. It has a very solid following. A big fanbase that believes it is still the best all around Street Fighter game ever made. 2. It is the foundation of what fighting games are today. ST combines alot of the best elements that we like in todays newer games. It can be argued over which games are better than others(I think 2nd Impact was the best of the "3" series ) but many will agree that eventhough ST is old skool, it is still one of the funnest to play. There aren't any true game breaking glitches in the game. Alpha 2 had the custom combo trick, Alpha 3 has overpowered V-combos, 2nd Impact had overpowered fighters(Ibuki, Akuma), 3rd Strike is considered to be a throwers game(atleast here in the states), MvC2 with it's sick traps, and I am sure CvS has it's flaws as well. What I am getting at is that all of Capcom's games have flaws in them....and the game with the least flaws in a SF game have been both ST and Hyper Fighting. Hyper Fighting is so old skool that many of the newbie players would laugh if they played such a slow game with no supers....but that game was pure bare-bones skill gameplay. You had to work for everything and earn your wins. ST takes it to the next level with supers, juggles, tech throws, more balance. Alot of the newer players shun ST because it's so old, or because it's not up to par with what the newer games have....I agree with that to some extent. Give me a choice between any new SF game and ST and I will choose ST because of the depth and balance, and overall fun I have playing against other people. Competition in this game is as scarce as it has ever been. Many of todays new players refuse to learn ST because its A)Too damn old. B)Doesn't have enough eyecandy C)Combos are too hard to do D) Patterns are too hard to escape from.... These are all excuses, if you ask me. The day is going to come when ST will no longer be included in tournaments and when that day comes I will no longer compete in tournaments. It's not because we don't want to move on, or's because we feel it is the best thing Capcom has ever made. That is my opinion and I am sure many other players will agree with me on that. As far as learning ST being fruitless, I have to strongly disagree. Like I said before, ST is the best representation of the SF foundation. It has all the fundamentals that almost every SF game has. ST keeps me sharp when it comes to execution, reaction moves, counter throws, patterns, etc...the list goes on and on. It makes me a better player overall. I can't see playing ST as being useless....sure you won't find comp at your local arcade, and it's not the "hot" game in style, but it's still being played in almost every major SF tournament around the world...and to me that says something about the game. It says "the best" all over it. If the game doesn't attract you then don't play it. If you have an open mind then try learning it. It won't hurt to try. I play ST everyday, and I will continue to do so until I am 100 yrs old. It's the greatest fighting game Capcom has ever made and I love it for what it is.....PURE Street Fighter JumpsuitJesse "You are faster than this....don't think you are.....KNOW you are" Morpheus: The Matrix Posted by ~Wind on 02:22:2001 12:47 AM: thanks. those were pretty thorough explanations. Lock on? Posted by ~Wind on 02:22:2001 12:49 AM: damn my picture didnt work. Lock on? Posted by Overdrive on 02:22:2001 12:50 AM: I'm not making any excuses. I love ST as much as anybody (probably more than even you). But the fact of the matter is, nobody plays it. There's no place to play it. With the exception of maybe 2-3 events per year across the entire US, there aren't tournaments. It's not worth playing. And, I don't really think playing ST is going to help you get good at MvC2 better than playing MvC2 is going to help you get good at MvC2. So whatever time you spend playing ST, you could be spending playing MvC2, CvS, or whatever the hot game is and getting good at it - good enough to win money at tournaments. And, please, don't try to label me as some ignorant "new school player" or whatever. I've been playing SF2 since the first day it came out in the US. I have every bit of appreciation for "old school SF" as you do. It could be the greatest game in the world. If nobody else plays it, it's not worth playing it. [This message has been edited by Overdrive (edited 02-21-2001).] Posted by ~Wind on 02:22:2001 12:54 AM: yeah its old. i had it for pc but then i deleted it. but i guess it's an historic game since it was the first street fighter game that featured a super bar... Lock on? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:22:2001 01:01 AM: Dude, you just compared playing ST to playing MvC2?? That's like comparing SF2 World Warrior with Life Force or Raiden.... When I said ST helps, I meant that it helps in real SF games...not those crazy combo vs games. CvS and ST have way more in common than you think...enough to where playing ST can help. You are right when you said that no one plays it at local arcades, but it is still played at major tournaments. That's enough to warrant practicing in my opinion. JumpsuitJesse "There's alot of things about me you wouldn't understand...things you couldn't understand....THINGS YOU SHOULDN'T UNDERSTAND" Pee Wee's Big Adventure Posted by psx2000 on 02:22:2001 03:00 AM: lol Posted by kadath on 02:22:2001 08:26 AM: Yep, SSFIIT is definitely a classic!! I still play my copy on PS from time to time!! --------------- Ph-nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn Posted by psx2000 on 02:22:2001 09:15 AM: the dreamcast version of super turbo is even better than the psx , its arcade perfect with some extras to i might add. Posted by GYL on 02:22:2001 04:43 PM: just bottom line to alot of the sf crowd out there is ST is street-fighter perfection.and by many is considered to be the best sf game ever other sf games have been played so much when they become this old...and i seriously doubt that games like mvc2,a3,and 3s will be played half as much as ST gets played when they get over 6 years old.there is alot of comp out there in ST,and with the dc version bringing in a new group of players,this will add to it.and do nothing but make this game even more enjoyable for everyone.if ST can still bring 80 plus ppl to a major tourny then i don't see becoming extinct anytime soon.i for one will play it forever.ST og til i die. if it bleeds,we can kill it...arnold Posted by psx2000 on 02:22:2001 05:13 PM: same here super turbo has been around for years and people will always play it , as for the vs games people i seriouslly wont see them 5 years from now still playing mvc2. Posted by ice_cubed on 02:22:2001 08:13 PM: also they didnt make the secret character akuma too cheap... Posted by Overdrive on 02:23:2001 08:58 PM: Um, no, I never really compared ST to MvC2. The only connection I made between the two is the time you can spend on one or the other. You're the one who seems to think playing ST can make you better at CvS or MvC2 or whatever the hell game better than playing the actual game, which just isn't true. By labelling MvC2 as a "crazy combo" game, you've proven that you know almost nothing about the game. MvC2 is a fighting game, no different than ST is. And to many, it's as deep and as balanced (or whatever vague term for "good" you want to substitute in) as ST (read the MvC2 depth thread in the General Gaming Discussion). And as for those "old school" players who like to ramble on about how the "new school" players don't play ST because the combos are too hard, it's too fast, the damage is too high, blah blah blah. Flip the coin, guys, it works the other way too. Anybody can easily call you guys out and say that the old school players can't handle the attributes of the new games (CCs/VCs in A2/3, traps/rushdown/Cable in MvC2, etc.) and that's why they always go back to ST. Mind you, ST is one of my best games, along with CvS, MvC2, A3, A2... the whole line up. So I'm not biased. I can see both sides of the coin. Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:23:2001 10:43 PM: Dude, you hit the nail right on the head. You are absolutely right. I don't know jack shit about MvC2. I have spent a total of 75 cents playing that game just to try it out and I didn't like it. Now I am glad that I didn't because now that I take a step back and see the whole picture, many will agree that MvC2 is a seriously fucked up game in many ways....but it's still fun to play. As long as players find it fun to play then I am all for it. FYI, I play the newer games. A2, A3, CvS, 2nd Impact, and even 3rd Strike. Just because you don't see any of the VS air combo games in the list doesn't mean that I am incapable of learning new games. It simply says that the VS engine doesn't appeal to me or many of the so called "old skool players." You are going to sit there and tell me that the VS series isn't about "crazy combos"?? C'mon, if that's not what it's about, then what is?? Is it about traps?? You are right when you said that MvC2 is a fighting game like ST but that is the only similarity they have. They are both fighting games with VERY different fighting engines. That is why I said that comparing them is like comparing SF2 The World Warrior to a game like Life Force or Raiden.....MvC2 looks like a side scroll shooter if you put it right next to ST and watch expert players going at it. ST has wayyy more in comon with CvS, A2, and A3 than MvC2 or any other VS game(with the acception of CvS) because the engine wasn't drastically changed. Obviously MvC2 is a great game otherwise players wouldn't be playing it, right? Labeling?? Please, I was being sarcastic. Me?? Biased?? No, I just call it like I see it, and I guess that's what sucks about forums because everyone has an opinion. Opinions are like assholes....everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone elses stinks! JumpsuitJesse "....and then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up." Gordy: Stand By Me [This message has been edited by JumpsuitJesse (edited 02-23-2001).] Posted by Overdrive on 02:23:2001 11:26 PM: I can argue that ST looks like Raiden or Life Force as well. Watch any competent O. Sagat make the game look like a sidescroller. Watch him throw 50 fireballs in a row while the opponent dies desperately trying to get in. Moot point. MvC2 isn't about bigass combos at all. It's about controlling space, positioning, mind games, and setting your opponent up. I'll be damned, that sounds like what ST is about. Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:23:2001 11:50 PM: Ok. End of disagreement. JumpsuitJesse "Man, you come right out of a comic book." Williams: Enter the Dragon All times are GMT. The time now is 01:33 AM. Show all 19 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.